All exhibitions are 免费的 and open to the public in French Hall, 协和街148号, 在曼彻斯特, 新汉普郡.
Exhibitions日期: 2月18日星期日,4月5日星期五
开放接待: 3月14日,星期四,下午5点.m.
请参加我们的开幕酒会 不稳定的愿景 还有和艺术家的对话.
Members of the greater Manchester community and beyond can enjoy art exhibitions, 类, 以及免费或低成本的工作坊.
图片来源:Kaitlyn Dine
Please reach out if you have any questions about 法语艺术 programming or partnerships.
All exhibitions are 免费的 and open to the public in French Hall, 协和街148号, 在曼彻斯特, 新汉普郡.
Exhibitions日期: 2月18日星期日,4月5日星期五
开放接待: 3月14日,星期四,下午5点.m.
请参加我们的开幕酒会 不稳定的愿景 还有和艺术家的对话.
This course introduces you to a variety of book structures you can make by hand. From folded books, artist books, and hardcover, you will learn to create unbound book structures. This hands-on class will also look at incorporating 多媒体的使用 techniques and two- and three-dimensionality.
2024年3月26日至5月7日,周二,下午5点起.m.–8:00 p.m.
Learn the fundamentals of jewelry making through demonstration and studio practice. You’ll gain experience working with sheet metal as well as sawing, 申请, 焊接, 抛光, 边框镶嵌宝石.
Screen-printing techniques provide artists with a simple method of applying their images and ideas to a wide variety of materials and surfaces. Expand your image-making options by learning the basics of screen-printing to print your hand-drawn and photographic images onto paper and alternative surfaces. 概念发展的经验教训, 筛网和表面处理, 登记, and preservation culminate in learning how to establish a studio practice for continued art production and exploration.
This course will cover the basics of studio lighting technique with electronic flash equipment to photograph portraits, 静物画, 还有二维艺术品. Each week will be devoted to a hands-on exploration of the lighting setup needed to produce professional quality images of subjects in a studio setting. 相机和照明设备的选择, 适当的相机设置, and the use of a light meter will be discussed and demonstrated as well as options for modifying the quality of light to create a specific mood in the finished photograph. A single-lens reflex or mirrorless digital camera is required for this class.
以前从没上过绘画课? 感觉生疏或缺乏信心? 这门课程是为你设计的. 从一个简单的轮廓开始, you will use line to discover a variety of shapes from the still life and art reproductions. Learn to develop form and space with cross-hatching and shading. 了解是什么构成了一篇强作文. 抓住机会. 用对比来推动一个更戏剧性的图像. Work in black and white with charcoal and pencils and in color with pastels. 非正式的个人和团体批评.
指导老师:James Chase
Wednesdays, March 27–May 8, 2024, from 5:30–8:00 p.m.
Interested in working independently in the printmaking studio with guidance from an instructor? 这门课适合有经验的学生, you’ll continue your exploration of materials and processes used by print制造商 to create multiple works of art, 比如一种解脱, 凹版, 丝网印刷, 和光刻技术. 提供设备和部分材料.
指导老师:Mike Ariel
Wednesdays, March 27–May 8, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m.
Lightroom has been the industry standard in photo editing for 20 years. 在这个课堂上, 你将学习如何编辑和处理照片, 创建复合材料, 让平凡变得不平凡. 的 process of quality printing will also be covered, empowering you to create one-of-a-kind images that will last forever. 包括印刷费.
指导老师:Ed Ting
Wednesdays, March 27–May 8, 2024, from 5:30–8:00 p.m.
We are all memoir writers, whether we realize it or not. 即使是我们这些写小说的人, 戏剧, 论文, 创造性非小说类, do so filtered through the lens of our own personal experiences. All experience levels are welcome; just bring your enthusiasm and your ideas.
指导老师:James Chase
2024年3月27日,星期三,上午10点开始.m.–4:00 p.m.
2024年4月24日,星期三,上午10点开始.m.–4:00 p.m.
Open Studio 是一个n informal drop-in time period when we “open” our studio space for artists, 制造商, or people who just want to explore their craft with those who may share the same creative interests. Or, come in and use the equipment for which you’ve been certified.
Thursdays, March 28–May 9, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m.
A visual art studio course designed and developed to “get you drawing and 绘画 beyond the mundane and mechanical cliché!” Learn to focus on your 绘画 and drawing with authority; take expressive control and command of your entire canvas while exploring and exploiting more original concepts and images. Overcome self-conscious fears in “open choice” assignments to reveal broader more exciting, 有效的, 以及视觉上复杂的绘画和素描. 对所有绘画媒介开放.
指导老师:Mike Ariel
Thursdays, March 28–May 9, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m.
This course provides the opportunity for intermediate to advanced students to work independently with personal guidance from a professional photographer. 这是一个独特的发展机会, 扩大, 提高你的技能, 帮助你发展个人的创造性声音.
的 星期六上午艺术节目(SMAP) 是一个 免费的 enrichment program in the visual arts for high school students ages 15–18. Students will meet on Saturday mornings for two and a half hours of instruction by 艺术与设计学院 faculty in a wide range of exciting mediums.
2024年春季课程包括绘画, 绘画, 摄影, 丝网印刷, 数字艺术, 多媒体的使用, 按钮拼贴, 以及投资组合准备.
Students who complete 12 SMAP sessions in a year will be eligible for four college credits and a scholarship up to $2,在新英格兰学院.
To enroll in SMAP, please click on the link below, or email James Chase at artatfrench@kanghui668.com.
In the early 1900s as Manchester became an industrial powerhouse, one element was missing: an institution where residents of Manchester could further their education and exposure to the wider world, 一个包含绘画的世界, 雕塑, 音乐, 植物学, 鸟类学, 以及许多其他学科.
This was the inspired vision of Emma Blood French: to bring culture to Manchester through direct instruction and lectures in the fine arts, 音乐, 文学, 还有科学. She underwrote and built a permanent educational institution in the center of the city, 曼彻斯特艺术与科学学院, 1916年建筑完工时, gifted it to the organization and its members for the betterment of the community.